لقد خلقنا الإنسان في كبد Meaning
It is a pain which inflicts the liver of man and then every kind of pain and hardship is told.
لقد خلقنا الإنسان في كبد meaning. Laqad khalaqnā l insāna fī kabadi. ل ق د خ ل ق ن ا ال إ نس ان ف ي ك ب د 90 4 ك ب د means severity but according to raghib in the mufradath. The verse purports to say that man s life is a series of hard and toilsome works.
Certainly we have created man to be in hardship. Laqad khalaqna al insana fee kabadin. ل ق د خ ل ق ن ا ال إ نس ان ف ي ك ب د indeed we have created man to live in hard struggle 90 4 the word kabad means labour toil or difficulty.
ذكر من قال ذلك. James ada word for word. ل ق د خ ل ق ن ا ال إ نس ان ف ي ك ب د.
Ibn abi najih and jurayj reported from ata from ibn abbas concerning the phrase in kabad he was created while in hardship. ل ق د خ ل ق ن ا ال إ نس ان ف ي ك ب د ٤ verily we have created man in kabad. وبالذي قلنا في ذلك قال أهل التأويل.
Don t you see him then he mentioned his birth and the sprouting of his teeth.